Legal Aspects of Quantum Communications: New Frontiers
( Pp. 235-239)
More about authors
Naumov Victor Borisovich
kand. yurid. nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, sektor informacionnogo prava i mezhdunarodnoy informacionnoy bezopasnosti Instituta gosudarstva i prava Rossiyskoy akademii nauk (IGP RAN). Dolzhnost: rukovoditel rossiyskoy praktiki Dentons v oblasti intellektualnoy sobstvennosti, IT i telekommunikaciy; so-rukovoditel evropeyskoy praktiki Dentons v oblasti Interneta, docent
Dentons Europe, LLC Stankovskiy Gleb Victorovich Dolzhnost: yurist.
Dentons Europe, LLC
Dentons Europe, LLC Stankovskiy Gleb Victorovich Dolzhnost: yurist.
Dentons Europe, LLC
Purpose Quantum technologies are included in the number of basic cross-cutting technologies of the Russian national program "Digital Economy". The development of science in this area opens up new frontiers and realities for the state, society and law, but at the same time, according to the program description, it should be accompanied by the formation of a new regulatory environment, that provides favorable legal regime for creation and development of modern technologies, as well as for the implementation of economic activities related to their use. Many domestic and foreign authors are researching regarding the technical aspects of various areas of quantum technologies, including quantum communications, however, regulatory issues have been affected only pointwise up to date. Findings In the Russian Federation, the work in this direction is only at the beginning of its path, but now it is necessary to study models for the introduction of quantum technologies from the point of view of legal regulation, which, according to the authors, is a step away from becoming an issue requiring urgent solutions. Practical meaning Currently, in terms of practical implementation, quantum communications are the most developed among all areas of quantum technologies. Algorithms of quantum cryptography as a new way to ensure information security are already being used in Russian and foreign commercial equipment, and their widespread implementation will not take long to wait. This factor determines the choice of quantum communications as the object of the presented research. Originality/value The article may be useful to specialists of various structures (both public and private), whose duties relates to information security, as well as readers engaged in legal issues of quantum technologies.
How to Cite:
Naumov V.B., Stankovskiy G.V., (2019), LEGAL ASPECTS OF QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS: NEW FRONTIERS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 235-239.
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Kvantovye komp yutery i konets bezopasnosti (URL:, data obr. 17.02.2019)
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My rasschityvaem obespechit global nuyu sistemu kommunikatsiy cherez vsyu Evraziyu (URL:, data obrashcheniya 19.02.2019)
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 17.12.2011 N 1661 (red. ot 13.12.2018) quot;Ob utverzhdenii Spiska tovarov i tekhnologiy dvoynogo naznacheniya, kotorye mogut byt ispol zovany pri sozdanii vooruzheniy i voennoy tekhniki i v otnoshenii kotorykh osushchestvlyaetsya eksportnyy kontrol quot;
Federal nyy zakon ot 26.07.2017 N 187-FZ quot;O bezopasnosti kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktury Rossiyskoy Federatsii quot;