Social Support Measures Aimed at Reducing Mean Age at Birth of the First Child in the System of Family Support: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
( Pp. 195-201)

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Natalia Yu. Korobkova научный сотрудник
«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Olga V. Selivanova Senior Researcher
«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article provides an overview of measures included in regional programs to increase the birth rate, aimed at providing payments to young mothers at birth of a child within a certain age range, usually up to 25 years of age. These measures can be perceived in two ways—as instruments of demographic policy aimed at changing the existing demographic trends, or as instruments of social family policy aimed at providing support to families at a certain stage of life and improving their financial situation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the measures of regional programs to increase fertility, potentially aimed at reducing the average age of the mother at birth of the first child and representing provision of payments when a woman gives birth to her first child before a certain age. The hypothesis of the study was that the majority of such measures presented in regional sets of measures to increase fertility are measures of social family policy and they potentially have a weak impact on changing the average age of the mother at childbirth. The research resulted in a list of measures that provide support to young women at the birth of their first child and characterization of these measures. The materials contained in the paper can be used to improve regional programs to increase the birth rate, taking into account the targeting of the implemented measures and the limitations of their financing by regional budgets.
How to Cite:
Korobkova N. Yu., Selivanova O. V. Social Support Measures Aimed at Reducing Mean Age at Birth of the First Child in the System of Family Support: Theoretical and Practical Aspects // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 5. P. 195-201. (in Russ.) EDN: OEZNPP
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