( Pp. 42-49)
The aim of the article is to substantiate the possibility of creating a positive history on the basis of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the idealistic approach. By positive history, the article refers to the great and tragic truth of Russian history and understanding of the idea, fate, destiny, and ways of Russia and its people.The basis of both positive and negative history is the evaluation of historical facts, which are determined by the theory that the historian is guided by when interpreting them. As a rule, the historical actions of people committed on the basis of the goals and motives of one world outlook, from the point of view of other world perceptions, are assessed as negative. The history created by the people, who proceeded from the communist idea in their actions, will be negative from the liberal and vice versa, since these are antagonistic worldviews. In order to properly understand and interpret the events of the past, it is necessary in their assessment to proceed from the ideological norms followed by the actors of historical action. That’s the idealistic approach to past events. Russian history, written from its position, is the natural result of the ideological and creative activity of the Russian people.The key events of Russian history interpreted from the standpoint of an idealistic approach appear as a result of the ideological struggle that has been fought over the course of several centuries in the minds of the Russian people. As a result of this struggle in 1917, the Orthodox worldview gave way to a communist one. From the standpoint of an idealistic approach, this is a struggle for a better future for the country and its people, which was fought by people with different ideological positions. The intransigence of ideological positions determined the uncompromising nature of this struggle. The tragedy of such a story is that on both sides people sacrificed themselves and others for differently understood ideals of the future Russian state and society.Thus, based on the theoretical and methodological provisions of the idealistic approach, a positive explanation of the main historical events of national history becomes possible.
How to Cite:
Grigory I.G., (2019), POSITIVE HISTORY OF RUSSIA. IDEALISTIC APPROACH. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 42-49.
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