( Pp. 50-53)

More about authors
Goncharov Evgenii Vladimirovich aspirant kafedry vseobschey istorii, mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy i mezhdunarodnogo prava
Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky
This article attempts to study some features of the process of formation of the propaganda mechanism in France in 1914-1916. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the specifics of the interaction of propaganda structures with the public authorities of France. A detailed study and analysis of the activities of these organizations will provide a more complete picture of the evolution of the mechanism of military propaganda during the First World War.
How to Cite:
Goncharov E.V., (2019), FRENCH PROPAGANDISTIC ORGANIZATIONS IN 1914-1916. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 50-53.
Reference list:
Baudrillart. Une campagne fran aise. Paris, 1917.
Bulletinde L Alliance Fran aise. № 1, 1914.
Demartial G. La Guerrede 1914: comment on mobilisales consciences. Paris, 1922.
Huber G. Diefranz sische Propagandaim Weltkrieggegen Deutschland 1914 bis 1918. Munich, 1928.
Jean Vic. La Litt rature deguerre, manuel methodique etcritique des publications de langue fran aise. Paris, 1923.
Thimme H. Weltkriegohne Waffen. Berlin, 1932.