( Pp. 14-22)

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Lebedev Viktor Eduardovich doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor; professor kafedry istorii i socialnyh tehnologiy
Ural Federal University named after the First President of the Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The object of the research is the historical dimension of human existence in the context of the dynamics of Western thinking. The  author analyzes the  main trends in  the  development of Western historiosophical thought. To  study the  problem was used the theory of historical knowledge - historical epistemology. On its basis it is shown how the fundamental questions of man’s earthly existence were raised and resolved. In particular, questions about the ontological status of history (the «what» of the history), about the mechanisms of its functioning (the «how» of the history), about its direction (the «where» of the history), about its unity and multiplicity (the «how mach» the history), about its space-time certainty (the «where» and the «when» of the history). All the diversity of these issues, voiced in the context of philosophical reflection on the historical process, converges, as in focus, in the formulation of the problem of the meaning and purpose of history. The author comes to the conclusion that the philosopher does not deliberately invent theoretical matrices of history, but discovers an era in his contemporary consciousness and uses them to construct meaningful constructions of the historical movement. In accordance with the dominant social consciousness of a particular epoch - in the framework of the theoretical understanding of history - its own «dominant» historiosophema emerges. Their study occupies an important place in the theory of historical knowledge.
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Reference list:
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