( Pp. 9-13)

More about authors
Lichman Boris V. doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor, zav. kafedroy istoricheskih disciplin Uralskogo instituta ekonomiki, upravleniya i prava, Zasluzhennyy rabotnik Vysshey shkoly RF, chlen Nauchno-metodicheskogo soveta po istorii ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF, prorektor Uralskogo instituta ekonomiki, upravleniya i prava, professor kafedry teorii i istorii mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy departamenta mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy Uralskogo gumanitarnogo instituta Uralskogo federalnogo universiteta im. B.N. Elcina
Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin
The purpose of the article in outlining the main provisions of a lot of conceptual theory and methodology of history. The past is known and explained through the purpose of human life and subsequent actions in achieving this goal. Man's worldview is the key to explaining the past. The objectives of the article are to identify the answers to the questions: where does the assessment of historical facts and falsification of history, as well as the difference between state history and non-state history. The logic of many of the conceptual study is carried out for different ideological purposes. The results of the study will allow researchers, teachers, students, history lovers to understand different interpretations of the past and their assessment of historical facts. Many conceptual theory of history enables people to perceive history according to their worldview and to be tolerant of other worldview interpretations.
How to Cite:
Lichman B.V., (2019), A LOT OF CONCEPTUAL THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF HISTORY. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 9-13.
Reference list:
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