( Pp. 107-114)

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Vyachisty Dmitriy Dmitrievich magistrant 1 kursa kafedry rossiyskoy istorii fakulteta istoricheskih i politicheskih nauk
National Research Tomsk State University, TSU Munko Anastasiya Vasil’evna magistrant 1 kursa kafedry novoy, noveyshey istorii i mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy fakulteta istoricheskih i politicheskih nauk
National Research Tomsk State University, TSU Khakhalkina Elena V. Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Professor of Department of the Modern, Contemporary History and International Relations
National Research Tomsk State University
Tomsk, Russian Federation
The EU’s migration problem, despite the decline in the number of foreigners entering the union after the 2015-2016 crisis, is still on the agenda, breaking up into a myriad of components. These include the integration of already living migrants, the adaptation and socialization of arrivals, the definition of a new conceptual framework for a common strategy for different categories of people of foreign origin and a change in the demographic background in EU countries in conditions of low fertility among the indigenous population, strenthening the crisis of European identity and others.The purpose of this study is to identify trends in the transformation of the Muslim factor of the migration problem in the leading countries of the European Union with featuring the main fears, appeared in European community after World War II. The chronological framework includes the main stages of the transformation of the migration problem in the context of the Muslim factor. The lower limit is associated with the beginning of an upward trend in the number of terrorist acts in the EU, in particular, terrorist attacks in Spain and the UK. The upper boundary of the study is the fall of 2015, when the largest terrorist attack in the history of France occurred (the Bataclan theater), as well as the peak of the migration crisis in all EU countries and Islamic terrorism around the world.The authors, on the basis of identifying the dynamics of changes in the number of Muslim population, identify the main problems and trends associated with a sharp increase in the number of people from Arab countries for European society and analyze a number of approaches to the interpretation of this phenomenon already proposed by historians, as well as show the image of the Muslim immigrant.
How to Cite:
Vyachisty D.D., Munko A.V., Khakhalkina E.V., (2019), THE MUSLIM FACTOR OF THE MIGRATION PROBLEM IN THE LEADING EU COUNTRIES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XXI CENTURY. History and Modern Perspectives, 3 => 107-114.
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