( Pp. 63-70)
More about authors
Shorin Alexander Fedorovich
doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor; glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik sektora arheologii kamennogo veka
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Shorina Anastasia Alexandrovna mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik sektora arheologii kamennogo veka
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zykov Aleksey Pavlovich kandidat istoricheskih nauk; starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik sektora epohi metalla
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Shorina Anastasia Alexandrovna mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik sektora arheologii kamennogo veka
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zykov Aleksey Pavlovich kandidat istoricheskih nauk; starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik sektora epohi metalla
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Thearticledealswiththedatingandculturalidentityoftwoburialsofthemedievalburialground Kordon Miassovo 1, located in the mountain-forest of Urals. Presents the results of a comparative analysis of the inventory of burials, which includes items of military equestrian equipment - a quiver with iron armor-piercing arrowheads, fragments of a horse whip, knives. It is shown that the presented inventory has analogies in a wide range of nomadic cultures of Eastern Europe, Western and Southern Siberia of the XIII-XVI centuries, which is confirmed by the radiocarbon date obtained on the bones from the burial 1 of the burial ground Kordon Miassovo 1. Attention is paid to the anthropological analysis of the buried, whose racially-diagnosing features indicate their mixed Caucasoid-Mongoloid origin and signs of the morpho-complex of constant horsemen-warriors. It is concluded that in the archaeological and cultural plan the burials of the Kordon Miassovo 1 burial site are included in the circle of monuments distributed in the second quarter of the 2nd millennium in the wide territory on both sides of the Ural range from the eastern regions of Tatarstan, mountain forest and forest-steppe Bashkortostan to the forest zone Zauralye, which researchers unite in the framework of a single Chiyalik culture. This culture is associated with one of the stages of the formation of the Ugric ethnocultural array, the ancestors of the modern Khanty, Mansi and Hungarians.
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Reference list:
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Molodin V.I., Sobolev V.I., Solov yev A.I. Baraba v epokhu pozdnego srednevekov ya. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1990. 262 s. Molodin V.I., Sobolev V.I., Soloviev A.I. Barab in the late middle ages. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1990. 262 p.
KHudyakov YU.S. Vooruzhenie eniseyskikh kyrgyzov VI-XII vv. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980. 176 s. Hudyakov Yu.S. Weapons of Yenisei Kyrgyz in VI-XII centuries. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980. 176 p.
SHorin A.F., SHorina A.A. Pogrebenie epokhi srednevekov ya mogil nika Kordon Miassovo 1 v gorno-lesnom Zaural e // Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel skiy zhurnal. 2017. № 06 (60). CH. 1. S. 107-111. Shorin A.F., Shorina A.A. Buri- al. of the middle ages of the burial ground Cordon Miassovo 1 in the mountain-forest TRANS-Urals. International research journal. 2017. № 06 (60). 1 hour. P. 107-111.
SHorin A.F., SHorina A.A. Pogrebenie vtoroy chetverti II tysyacheletiya mogil nika Kordon Miassovo 1 v gorno-lesnom Zaural e: manuskript. T. 12. Vyp. 5. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. S. 69-73. Shorin A.F., Shorina A.A. Burial of the second quarter of the II Millennium of the burial ground Cordon Miassovo 1 in the mountain-forest TRANS-Urals: manuskript. Vol. 12. Issue 5. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. P. 69-73.