The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in conducting cultural events
( Pp. 69-73)
More about authors
Vyotovtov Aleksey Vladimirovich
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia Shumilin Viktor Viktorovich nachalnik kafedry
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia Kalach Andrey Vladimirovich d-r him. nauk, professor, zamestitel nachalnika instituta po nauke
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia Shumilin Viktor Viktorovich nachalnik kafedry
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia Kalach Andrey Vladimirovich d-r him. nauk, professor, zamestitel nachalnika instituta po nauke
Voronezh Institute of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia
Background: Foreign experience in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles brought their results in the military and civilian sectors. The use of drones by the police, and the rescuers had saved many lives. Russian development of unmanned vehicles far behind the competitors and are increasingly outdated approach people - UAV, where the operator controls the machine controls its movement and takes useful information visually with the camera. In foreign developments create a tiered system of fire detection enable UAVs to conduct monitoring in the automatic mode. A significant contribution to the system of automatic fire detection has been done in the framework of the research project WRAR (Wildfire Research and Applications Partnership) to combine the receipt of data on the thermal point with satellite and drone test event. Technically, the project has become more affordable COMETS where flame detection algorithm with three drones, participated in its implementation Mart'ınez-de Dios, J., Merino, L., Ollero, A. [1]. Materials and methods: The project developed a prototype program to recognize the flame, the principle of oscillation light at a certain frequency in monochrome. The program is based on a software library of Russian developers openCV, Cross-platform version of the program. The program of work as part of the software - hardware system capable of automatically monitoring a predetermined portion of the terrain for the emergence of the fire. Conclusion: The project created a simulation program recognizes the flame in the laboratory with a static camera positioned with an accuracy of 95%. The next phase of the creation of hardware and software, conduct field tests to study the characteristics of the work program established in the unmanned aerial vehicles. Validation of the program on the basis of the data obtained. Obtaining a patent for a software product. Practical value: In the long term, develop software and hardware complex entered service in each General Directorate Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation. The device will be used for cultural - mass actions to ensure the safety of the population. Originality: The project developed a unique pattern recognition algorithm flame drone. One of the main objectives of import substitution used by foreign software and hardware systems for domestic development. During the All-Russian Youth Forum "The territory of the senses on the Klyazma" in the contest this application Conveyor Project received the diploma of the first degree and a cash grant for its implementation.
How to Cite:
Vyotovtov A.V., Shumilin V.V., Kalach A.V., (2015), THE USE OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES IN CONDUCTING CULTURAL EVENTS. Computational Nanotechnology, 4 => 69-73.
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Vytovtov A.V. Sovremennye bespilotnye letatel nye apparaty / Vytovtov A.V., Kalach A.V., Razin kov S.YU.// Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. SHukhova. 2015. № 4. S. 70-74.
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Voropaev N.P. Primenenie bespilotnykh letatel nykh apparatov v interesakh MCHS Rossii// Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta GPS MCHS Rossii (elektronnyy zhurnal) №4, 2014 - S.13 - 17
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Efimov S.V. Issledovanie upravlyaemogo sinkhronnogo dvizheniya letayushchego robota s mashushchim krylom pri vzlete/ Efimov S.V., Polyakov R.YU., Mozgovoy N.V.// Elektrotekhnicheskie kompleksy i sistemy upravleniya №3(35), 2014 - S.28-33.
Efimov S.V. Modelirovanie odnogo iz variantov dvizheniya kryl ev ornitoptera vo vremya poleta/ Efimov S.V., YAtsun S. F., Naumov G.S.// Vibratsiya - 2014. Vibratsionnye tekhnologii, mekhatronika i upravlyaemye mashiny: mater.XI mezhdunar. nauch. - tekh. konf. v 2t. T.2/ FGBOU VPO YUZGU. - Kursk,2014. - 424s. S.205-219.
SHumilin V.V. Osobennosti matematicheskogo modelirovaniya rasprostraneniya opasnykh faktorov pozhara// Problemy obespecheniya bezopasnosti pri likvidatsii posledstviy chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: materialy III Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uch., 19 dekabrya 2014. Voronezh, 2014. - S. 332-334.
Vytovtov A.V. Opredelenie raschetnykh velichin riska v chrezvychaynykh situatsiyakh i na pozhare/ Vytovtov A.V., Kargashilov D.V.//Pozharnaya bezopasnost : problemy i perspektivy: materialy III Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uch., 20 sentyabrya 2012. Voronezh, 2012. - S. 367-370.
Denisov M.S. Modeling stiff HYBRID systems of high dimension in ISMA. /Denisov M.S., Shornikov Yu.V., Novikov E.A., Dostovalov I.N., Tomilov D.N. V sborn.: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Automation, Control, and Information Technology - Control, Diagnostics, and Automation, ACIT-CDA 2010 2010. S. 256-260.
Odnol ko A.A. Vliyanie kharakteristik sistem protivopozharnoy zashchity na pozharnye riski/ Odnol ko A.A., Sitnikov I.V.// Nauchnyy zhurnal. Inzhenernye sistemy i sooruzheniya. 2010. № 1. S. 205-211.
Russkikh D.V. Metody opredelenie plameni i zadymleniya s pomoshch yu analiza videoizobrazheniya/ Russkikh D.V., Denisov M.S.// V sbornike: Sovremennye metody prikladnoy matematiki, teorii upravleniya i komp yuternykh tekhnologiy (PMTUKT-2013) sbornik trudov VI mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. 2013. S. 89.
Denisov M.S. Raspoznavanie istochnikov otkrytogo ognya na rannikh stadiyakh pozhara s pomoshch yu videodetektora/ Denisov M.S., Kozhevin A.S., CHalyy E.S. // Sovremennye tekhnologii obespecheniya grazhdanskoy oborony i likvidatsii posledstviy chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uch., FGBOU VPO Voronezhskiy institut GPS MCHS Rossii. Voronezh, 2014. S. 93-94.
unmanned aerial vehicle, detection flame, automatic control system, drone.
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