( Pp. 54-55)
More about authors
Soyfer Viktor Aleksandrovich
doktor tehn. nauk, professor, chlen-korrespondent RAN.
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet) Kotlyar Viktor Viktorovich doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, professor
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet) Honina Svetlana Nikolaevna doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, professor
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet)
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet) Kotlyar Viktor Viktorovich doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, professor
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet) Honina Svetlana Nikolaevna doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, professor
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut sistem obrabotki izobrazheniy Rossiyskoy Aakademii Nauk, Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy aerokosmicheskiy universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet)
Обсуждаются специальные оптические элементы и устройства для преодоления дифракционного предела. В качестве примеров микрооптических устройств для субволновой фокусировки лазерного излучения рассмотрены планарная бинарная фотонно-кристаллическая линза, зонная пластинка и бинарный спиральный микроаксикон.
How to Cite:
Soyfer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Honina S.N., (2014), СУБВОЛНОВАЯ ФОКУСИРОВКА ЛАЗЕРНОГО ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ УСТРОЙСТВ МИКРООПТИКИ. Computational Nanotechnology, 1 => 54-55.
Reference list:
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M.I. Kotlyar, Y.R. Traindaphilov, A.A. Kovalev, V.A. Soifer, M.V. Kotlyar, L. O Faolain, Photonic crystal lens for coupling two waveguides Appl. Opt., 48, 3722-3730 (2009)
V.V. Kotlyar, S.S. Stafeev, Y. Liu, L. O Faolain, A.A. Kovalev, Analysis of the shape of a subwavelength focal spot for the linearly polarized light Appl. Opt. 52, 330-339 (2013)
S.N. Khonina, D.V. Nesterenko, A.A. Morozov, R.V. Skidanov, V.A. Soifer, Narrowing of a light spot at diffraction of linearly- polarized beam on binary asymmetric axicons, Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), Allerton Press, 21(1), 17-26 (2012)
S.N. Khonina, S.V. Karpeev, S.V. Alferov, D.A. Savelyev, J. Laukkanen, J. Turunen, Experimental demonstration of the generation of the longitudinal E-field component on the optical axis with high-numerical-aperture binary axicons illuminated by linearly and circularly polarized beams, J. Opt. 15, 085704 (9pp) (2013)
eurooptic, the diffraction limit, Soboleva focus, a planar binary photonic crystal lens, conditioning disc, binary spiral microaction.
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