( Pp. 67-73)
More about authors
Kazymov Emin Nasimi oglu
LLC RN-Purneftegaz; the University of Nordland, Norway Golovanov Oleg Aleksandrovich zamestitel nachalnika otdela podgotovki i transportirovki gaza i kondensata
LLC RN-Purneftegaz
LLC RN-Purneftegaz; the University of Nordland, Norway Golovanov Oleg Aleksandrovich zamestitel nachalnika otdela podgotovki i transportirovki gaza i kondensata
LLC RN-Purneftegaz
In this work increase the method of in the between-repairs period of the plunger tight pump and as a result the prevention of harmful effects of methanol on the person at operation of these pumps is considered. The analysis of the existing equipment is carried out, the main reasons for failure of compound details of the pump equipment are established. Functional requirements to the new equipment, in relation to conditions and requirements of safe operation are in addition defined. The main part of work is devoted to relevance of the studied subject, the purpose and problems of the forthcoming research is formulated, the method of the solution of the designated problem, ways of its application is offered. In the second part the economic and technological effect is shown. In economic part questions of economic efficiency of modernization of pumps are considered. In conclusion of this work conclusions concerning efficiency of use of the upgraded dosing pumps are drawn. The project is actual for production divisions of the oil and gas and chemical companies.
How to Cite:
Kazymov E.N., Golovanov O.A., (2016), MODERNIZATION OF PLUNGER PUMP FOR DISPENSING OF TOXIC FLUIDS. Computational Nanotechnology, 1 => 67-73.
Reference list:
Nasosy i nasosnye stantsii, Lysov K.I., Grigor ev K.T. 3-e Izd., ispr. i dop. - M., Kolos, 1977. - 224 s.
ZHurnal Nasosy i oborudovanie №4-5 2013 g. Germetichnyy plunzhernyy agregat dlya mikrodozirovaniya mirovogo urovnya , NeftemashServis.
Pasport ND 100/250M 00.00.000 PS OOO NeftemashSistema .
Pasport AREOPAG ND1,0R 100250 K13V.M8.001.
Instruktsiya po PB i OT pri poluchenii, perevozke, khranenii, otpuske i primenenii metanola.
Obshchie sanitarnye pravila pri rabote s metanolom:
ZHurnal Nasosy i oborudovanie №4-5 2013 g. Germetichnyy plunzhernyy agregat dlya mikrodozirovaniya mirovogo urovnya , NeftemashServis.
Pasport ND 100/250M 00.00.000 PS OOO NeftemashSistema .
Pasport AREOPAG ND1,0R 100250 K13V.M8.001.
Instruktsiya po PB i OT pri poluchenii, perevozke, khranenii, otpuske i primenenii metanola.
Obshchie sanitarnye pravila pri rabote s metanolom:
dosing pump, methanol, hydrate, preparation of gas.
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