( Pp. 11-15)

More about authors
Suleymanov Sultan X. Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.); Head at the Laboratory of High-Temperature Composite Materials and Coatings
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan Nabiev Elman Sayad ogli kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; docent
Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers Dudko Oleg Andreevich mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kulagina Natalya A. research at the Laboratory of High-Temperature Composite Materials and Coatings
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan Djanklich Mustafa U. Cand. Sci. (Eng.); senior research at the Laboratory of High-Temperature Composite Materials and Coatings
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan Dyskin Valery G. Dr. Sci. (Philos.); senior researcher
Institute of Material Science of the Scientific-Production Association “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
The work is devoted to the development of technological modes of strengthening of the band steel of locomotive wheels by the method of thermal treatment with concentrated energy flow. Thermal treatment of the banding steel was carried out on a solar furnace at flow densities 320, 450 and 500 W/sm2. Quenching was carried out in air and water. Heating and cooling rates are important for quenching. If speed of cooling is less than critical speed ( V cr ≈ 50 deg/s), quenching is not observed. The hardness of the tempered steel samples after thermal treatment at a temperature of 800-1200°C and treated in water reaches ≈726 HB, that is not optimum for bandage steel.The optimum temperature for quenching the band steel is 730-780°C at a flow density of 450 W/sm2. At the heating temperature of the steel samples 730-780°C and cooling by quenching into water, the hardness of the band steel is the required value of 350-400 HB. By changing the heating temperature and cooling rate of the steel, a predetermined hardness can be controlled and obtained.
How to Cite:
Suleymanov S.X., Nabiev E.S., Dudko O.A., Kulagina N.A., Djanklich M.U., Dyskin V.G., (2019), THE STUDY OF TECHNOLOGICAL REGIMES OF HARDENING BANDAGE STEEL OF THE CONCENTRATED FLOW OF ENERGY. Computational Nanotechnology, 3 => 11-15.
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