( Pp. 358-359)

More about authors
Rastoropova Diana Sergeevna soiskatel. Dolzhnost: pomoschnik prokurora
University of Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation; Nagatinsky inter-district prosecutors’ office, Moscow city
The article explores the concept of «insider information» in terms of its features. The author handles the data contained on the pages of the legal literature, that allows you to select features of the concept of inside information. In conclusion, it noted that the conceptual apparatus that meets the requirements of brevity contributes not only to the preservation and improvement of the investment climate in the state and economic development, but also contributes to the effective prevention of crime and detection, and investigation of crimes.
How to Cite:
Rastoropova D.S., (2016), THE CONCEPT AND FEATURES OF INSIDER INFORMATION. Business in Law, 6 => 358-359.
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The concept of insider information, signs of insider information, insider information as an object of criminal legal protection.

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