( Pp. 267-269)

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Tetenkov Nikoliy B. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry filosofii i sociologii, institut socialno-gumanitarnyh i politicheskih nauk
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
The article discusses the ontological and epistemological bases that form the notion of subjectivity at George. Locke, the main features of the concept of «subjectivity» in «Essay concerning human understanding», the transformation of the development of ideas of English philosopher in modern theories of consciousness and subjectivity. As for other philosophers of the time, for John. Locke's notion of «subjectivity» is a negative concept, as the basis of such an understanding of subjectivity lies in the religious idea that opposes God's perfection, the imperfection of man: God gave the true knowledge to man, yet the consciousness of man was submerged by God in the twilight state that gives man the ability to explore the world fully and to overcome our own subjectivity. In contrast to R. Descartes and B. Spinoza J. Locke connects subjectivity with the concepts of experience and feelings. This approach has set the English philosopher a new problem - the problem of identification, as a justification of a continuity experience and continuity of consciousness, based on experience. If consciousness is discrete, and John. Locke defends this view, the question arises: people are one and the same thinking being or different beings? Thus, George. Locke raises the question of man as the unity or multiplicity, and the unity of man he sees in the identity of consciousness. Also cause of subjectivity are: the complexity of ideas, complexity of the object of knowledge, limited cognitive abilities of a person, the craze of mind, different mentality, different understanding of happiness, the difference in the choice of means of achieving the objectives, characteristics of cognition, therefore, John. Locke for the first time indicates the impact of a person's world with the knowledge of the world.
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