( Pp. 11-19)

More about authors
Volynskiy Andrew I. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
the Institute of Economics RAS Kruglova Maria S. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
the Institute of Economics RAS
The main task of the study is seen in the identification of the patterns of social behavior of the political authority subject in the legislative field for the period from 1994 to 2014. Methodology and Sources: The article presents the results of the analysis of the Russian legislative process on the basis of the database of Russian legislation LAWSTREAM.RU. The Base is available in the public domain Database information covers the period from 1994 to 2014. The analysis of the regulatory activity from the point of view of the study of the annual changes in the dynamics of legislative activity for each general federal powerful political entity based on the chronological periodization, which is based on the main general federal election cycles: the presidential and parliamentary. The analysis of the regulatory activity from the point of view of the study of the annual changes in the dynamics of legislative activity for each general federal powerful political entity based on the chronological periodization, which is based on the main general federal election cycles: the presidential and parliamentary. The analysis takes into account the attempts to test the theory of "cartel party" in the conditions of Russia's political reality. [Krehbiel, 2005, Curini, 2010] Conclusion: We have identified social behavior patterns of subjects of political power in the legislative sphere: a compensatory effect on the dynamics of legislative activity, in which the decline in activity on the part of one of the entities covered by the growth of legislative activity on the part of another subject. The second important regularity is the chronological dependence of the dynamics of legislative activities for all the subjects of the political power of the presidential election cycles. The revealed regularities allow to draw conclusions about the presence in the system of relations between the various political entities of the Russian government cartel-like relations elements, as well as the special place of the presidency in the Russian legislation, what is evidenced by statistics. Significance: The findings can be used in the works of authors who study the problem of Russian political culture. In the practical field of study the findings can be applied in the areas of government relations and lobbying, as they allow a better understanding of certain features of the functioning of government institutions in Russia by the example of the legislative process.
How to Cite:
Volynskiy A.I., Kruglova M.S., (2016), THE CYCLES OF THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN RUSSIA: POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 11-19.
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