( Pp. 7-10)

More about authors
Musaev Idris M. doktor politicheskih nauk, professor kafedry istorii Rossii XX-XXI veka
Dagestan State University Gadzhieva Aisha Ansarovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and State Legal Disciplines, (SAEI HE DSUNE)
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Russian Federation
Within the proposed article the author reviews the main conceptual issues of political identity, carries out an analysis of the available scientific views and views on the concept of political identity in the science and levels of its manifestation. Considerable attention is given to the process of realization of political identity in the practice, the main conditions of its formation are analyses and the negative manifestations of this process are revealed.
How to Cite:
Musaev I.M., Gadzhieva A.A., (2017), BASES OF ORGANIZATION OF POLITICAL IDENTITY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 7-10.
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