Codification problems of necessary defense affecting its implementation
( Pp. 155-163)

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Petrushenkov Alexandr N. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent; docent kafedry gumanitarno-pravovyh disciplin Dzerzhinskogo filiala
Dzerzhinsk branch of the Lobachevsky State University
Objectives. The goal of scholarly research is to develop proposals for amendments in criminal law General and Special part of Criminal code of the Russian Federation governing self-defense. The scientific article identifies legislative gaps and contradictions that hinder the effective implementation of the necessary defense and require prompt solutions. Methods. The article analyzes such concepts as “self-defense”, “public assault”, “excess of limits of necessary defense”, “violation of the conditions of lawfulness of necessary defense”, “surprise assault”, “rights defending or other persons, interests of the state”. The use of logical and comparative legal methods allowed us to develop proposals for making changes to the criminal law norms that establish the necessary defense. Conclusions. The article shows the conflicts and gaps legislative recognition of self-defense and, in this regard, the complexity of its implementation in the articles of the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and practical application. Changes are proposed to the criminal law norms regulating the necessary defense, both in the General and in the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Sense. The content of the scientific article can be used by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions when teaching the course “Criminal law”. The results of the work can be useful to persons who carry out legislative activities in the field of criminal law. The leitmotif of the article can be used in the preparation of dissertation research.
How to Cite:
Petrushenkov A.N., (2020), CODIFICATION PROBLEMS OF NECESSARY DEFENSE AFFECTING ITS IMPLEMENTATION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 155-163.
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necessary defense, socially dangerous encroachment, exceeding the limits of necessary defense, violation of the conditions of legality of necessary defense, surprise encroachment, the rights of an individual, the interests of society, the interests of the state.

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