Problems of international fugitives
( Pp. 91-94)

More about authors
Smirnova Julia A. prepodavatel kafedry operativno-razysknoy deyatelnosti organov vnutrennih del
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The relevanceoftheresearch is that today the number of accused who are hiding from criminal punishment abroad is increasing every year. This is influenced by a large number of factors: the General state of the criminal situation in the country, differences in current legislation with foreign countries, and the emerging practice of fighting crime. The extremely low number of persons identified on the territory of a foreign state indicates that there are serious problems that arise in the activities of operational units of internal Affairs bodies when carrying out an international search. The purpose of the study. To identify problems that arise in the activities of operational divisions of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the international search for persons, search for possible ways to overcome difficulties. Results and key conclusions. The Study of normative legal acts and practical activities of operational divisions of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation allowed the author to identify legal and organizational problems that arise in the international search for the accused. The article focuses on the shortcomings in the activities of the national security service of Interpol when studying the materials of the wanted list of persons and the duration of the international wanted list procedure. Conclusions. To solve the problems, the author suggests bringing the law into line with the realities of fighting crime and making changes to the Statute of Interpol and departmental orders of the Prosecutor General’s office of the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Smirnova J.A., (2020), PROBLEMS OF INTERNATIONAL FUGITIVES. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 91-94.
Reference list:
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Rezul taty izucheniya materialov del v 2016-2020 godu v ramkakh dissertatsionnogo issledovaniya po teme: Pravovye i organizatsionno-takticheskie osobennosti rozysknoy deyatel nosti operativnykh podrazdeleniy organov vnutrennikh del v usloviyakh mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva .
search, international search, Interpol, search for the accused, request for the search of the accused, problems of searching for persons.

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