( Pp. 120-125)

More about authors
Bogdan Varvara V. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Alimov Anton A. aspirant
the South-West state University, Kursk Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
The article considers the right of public interest as a new approach to the systematization of law. The concept of the division of the right to private and public seems to be very limited due to the fact that it is inherently dichotomous, contrasting the interest of the state and the interest of the individual, relations of subordination and coordination, without taking into account the social orientation of the right, the interest of society as a specific subject of social relations. The dialectical method of scientific knowledge of objective reality was used in the research. The General scientific and private scientific methods based on it were also applied, first of all, system, statistical, comparative legal, structural and functional, the main General logical methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction). The theoretical basis of the study is based on the conclusions made by the civilists, developing this topic, in particular: R. E. Ghukasyan, A. Neznamov, E. Rekosh and others. The article is devoted to the development of new approaches to the legal doctrine of systematization of law. The tendency of modern civil codification to further protect the interests of society as a whole raises new questions for civil science. The study concluded that the current level of development of social relations, the increasing role of civil society institutions, the increasing powers of public control bodies allows us to talk about a new approach to the systematization of law, based on its division into three elements: private law, public law and the law of public interest (social law). It should be understood that this division is quite conditional, based on the interaction and relationship of elements and should not imply a rigid division of the entire array of existing legal norms related to a particular of these elements. The analysis showed that the new approach to the systematization of law, based on its division into three elements, will overcome the limitations of the concept of the division of the right into private and public, because it will mean, in its essence, the recognition of the existence of the interest of society as an independent subject of legal relations and its right to This, in turn, will create the necessary doctrinal basis for the subsequent creation and development of legal norms that expand the powers of public control bodies and give public authorities additional discretionary powers to protect the public interest. The results of scientific research have shown that the right of public interest as a new approach to the systematization of law require the development, improvement and further research.
How to Cite:
Bogdan V.V., Alimov A.A., Zherelina O.N., (2018), THE RIGHT OF PUBLIC INTEREST AS A NEW APPROACH THE ISSUE OF SYSTEMATIZATION OF LAW. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 120-125.
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