( Pp. 29-32)

More about authors
Kovalyova Maria K. aspirant kafedry menedzhmenta i regionalnoy ekonomiki
Maikop state technological university, Maikop
The structure of adaptive potential of development of a regional tourist complex is given in article. It is shown that the strategy allocated in it assuming need of development of new abilities for effective use of the available opportunities is most acceptable for adaptive development of a tourist complex of Krasnodar Krai in the context of existence of objects of the Olympic heritage. The model of process of adaptive management of development of a regional tourist complex based on glocalisation concept postulates providing adoption of the administrative decisions adequate to the changing environmental conditions is given in article.
How to Cite:
Kovalyova M.K., (2017), FORMATION OF ADAPTIVE STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONAL TOURIST COMPLEX. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 29-32.
Reference list:
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adaptive strategy, adaptive capacity, regional tourist complex, glocalization, destination, Olympic legacy.

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