( Pp. 110-114)

More about authors
Akayomova Nina V. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry ekonomiki i upravleniya nedvizhimym imuschestvom
Russian state University of Justice Cheyshvili Manana Z. Advokat, chlen Moskovskoy kollegii advokatov «InterpolKriminalCentr»
«InterpolCriminalCenter» Moscow lawyers’ bar
This article is devoted to the gaps and problems of legal regulation of rights guarantees of citizens and other owners of residential premises in multiquarry houses, included in the renovation program, with the replacement of objects that are in their ownership or use. The article explores the controversial issues of the legal regulation of owners and users of residential premises rights guarantees during renovation in Moscow, as well as the problems of determining the will of a citizen for an equivalent replacement of a residential purpose, determining the amount of monetary compensation, the problem of equivalence of objects in demolished homes and newly built ones. An analysis of the renovation law proves that there are significant gaps and contradictions in the legal regulation, which can be eliminated through a separate regulation of law implementing provision methods through sublegislative acts and the elimination of contradictions by making changes.
How to Cite:
Akayomova N.V., Cheyshvili M.Z., (2018), GAPS IN LEGAL REGULATION OF RENOVATION IN MOSCOW. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 110-114.
Reference list:
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