( Pp. 34-38)

More about authors
Marina A. Bulgakova Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor at the Department of Organization of Financial and Economic, logistical and medical services
Academy of Management of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation
A practice of setting forestry payments on the basis of market prices as well as estimation of standing timber assortment are widespread in developed countries with the largest forest area. The Russian Federation applies methods of ‘socialist’ pricing of wood and standing timber. The Article describes the evolution of the state income generation from using of timber by citizens and legal entities; it also explores the structure of the Russian Federal budget expenditures for forestry. On the basis of criteria analysis the author made a comparative characteristic of different ways of forest management applied in the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Marina A.B., (2019), APPROACHES TO ESTIMATION OF STANDING TIMBER. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 34-38.
Reference list:
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