( Pp. 43-46)

More about authors
Khmelevskaya Svetlana A. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, professor filosofskogo fakulteta
FSBEI of HE «Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov»
The article reveals the concept of intellectual servilism on the example of the argumentation of raising of the retirement age, so actively discussed by experts, politicians and the public in our country in recent years. The author criticizes the arguments of supporters of raising of the retirement age, building their own arguments based on Rosstat data and theoretical calculations. The article presents the idea that to address the issue of raising of the retirement age, it is necessary, at least, to make actuarial calculations based on the demographic forecast, the upcoming level of employment, the incidence of persons of pre-retirement age, etc.
How to Cite:
Khmelevskaya S.A., (2018), THE ISSUE OF RAISING THE RETIREMENT AGE, OR INTELLECTUAL SERVILISM. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 43-46.
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