( Pp. 83-88)

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Kanunnikov Evgeniy V. aspirant
Academy of labour and social relations
Background. The analysis of the widespread techniques of assessment of competitiveness presented in relevant economic science and applicable for the Russian enterprises of transport branch acts as a main objective of a research. The author solves such problems as specification of content of competitiveness of transport enterprise according to an integrated approach, systematization of the factors making structure of this category, definition of the directions of development of methodology of assessment of competitiveness as in the context of implementation of the general integrated approach, and complex development of the separate indicators characterizing competitiveness of transport companies and also identification of shortcomings and advantages of the methodical tools existing in these areas. Methodology and methods. In article the comparative, structural and problem analysis of relevant techniques of assessment of competitiveness of transport enterprises from the point of view of their compliance to an integrated approach as to the main direction of improvement of methodology in the explored area is carried out. Results and conclusions. The author drew a conclusion on efficiency of development of an integrated approach to assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises of transport in the direction of simplification of settlement mechanisms or integration with information technologies in the presence of a difficult mathematical apparatus for calculation. There is proved the importance of overcoming such problems as lack of an unambiguous technique of assessment of competitiveness of branch and also debatability of a concept of competitiveness and criteria of its measurement in relation to the transport sphere from which depends the further scientific development of methodological basis and improvement of a technique of assessment of competitiveness of modern transport enterprises. Practical value of results and their subsequent use. The results of the analysis of methodical tools presented in the article can be used in practice of the transport branch by the Russian enterprises aspiring to complex assessment and forecasting of the competitiveness, its continuous monitoring in modern economic conditions, applying to these purposes the integrated approach differing in special complexity of practical implementation in view of considerable number of methodological aspects and factors influencing process of assessment of competitiveness. The presented results can be also considered during further integration of methodical tools with information technologies and decisions for carrying out more detailed calculations and accounting of the numerous factors influencing competitiveness of modern transport enterprise. Social consequences. The condition of the modern market of transport services and transport branch across the nation has the defining value in ensuring economic growth and social development of the country. The quality of transport services directly correlates with growth of competitiveness of economic entities in this branch. In this regard identification of efficiency and complexity of methodical tools of assessment of competitiveness of transport enterprises has today not only big economic, but also social effect, providing not only proliferation, but also high-quality development of subjects of the transport market and the services provided by them. Scientific novelty / originality of a research. Now in assessment of competitiveness of different types of economic subjects in the context of branch specifics in economic science fragmentary, unilateral approach rather often prevails. The originality and novelty of article of the author consists in revealing merits and demerits of the most widespread techniques of assessment of competitiveness which can be applicable for the Russian enterprises of transport branch in modern economic conditions from a position of implementation of methodological provisions of an integrated approach.
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