Some questions of protection of the right to food in accordance with international law
( Pp. 330-336)

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Emelianova Natalia Nikolaevna d-r yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: professor. Mesto raboty: Rossiyskiy universitet druzhby narodov. Podrazdelenie: kafedra mezhdunarodnogo prava
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Goal. As the purpose of research supports the analysis of the legal basis for the protection of human right to food in accordance with international law, which will explore the reasons for the strengthening of international food security. This question is one of the discussion today in the western doctrine of international law, it remains one of the least studied in the domestic science of international law that determines the relevance of the research topic. Methodology. To achieve this goal within the framework of preparation of this article has been applied general scientific methodological approach that allows to determine the scope of the study, to clarify the basic concepts and categories related to the protection of human rights to food, to identify key conceptual aspects of the research topic. The study used scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis and synthesis, generalization, dialectical. Widely used special methods of science: comparative law, legal and technical. Conclusions. As part of a national program of each country must be taken to improve the food security measures and to promote the implementation of international legal obligations regarding the protection of the right to food. It is important to enhance cooperation at the subregional, regional and universal international levels, and to mobilize available resources and ensure their optimal use for the support of national efforts to ensure a speedy global food security on a sustainable basis. In the context of the research content of the right to adequate food has been clarified, it paid particular attention to implementation and full and progressive realization of this right as a means of ensuring international food security for all. Possibility of future use of the results of scientific work. The analysis can form the basis of further research the issue of protecting the right to food, in accordance with international law, to identify problems in the implementation of this law in the countries of the world in order to maintain world food security. The practical significance. Results of the study may be useful in the work of state bodies and other stakeholders involved in the protection of the right to food process. Value. The results can be used in activities relevant Russian government agencies, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
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the right to food, international food security, international human rights law.

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