Legal form and content of the pre-trial proceedings in a criminal case: Vision for the Future
( Pp. 186-190)

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Jamiev Medjid Radikovich adyunkt. Mesto ucheby: Nizhegorodskaya akademiya MVD Rossii. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo processa.
Nizhny Novgorod academy of MIA Russia
The aim of the study is to develop proposals for reform of the preliminary investigation. The investigative form of the preliminary investigation does not correspond to the adversarial procedure of the trial. This reduces the efficiency of the criminal process and undermines the credibility of his justice. The solution of the problem of reforming the preliminary investigation is complicated by the fact that there are different reform options. Some of them, according to the author, are erroneous, so there is an urgent need for criticism and the demonstration of the science of insolvency. The objective of the study was the criticism of the project of creation of a single investigative body and independent investigative authorities. In addition, solved the problem of refutation of the doctrine of judicial investigator as the leading subject of the preliminary investigation. The main aim of the study was the substantiation of the concept of a police inquiry as the basic model of the legal organization of pre-trial proceedings. The basis of the author's position is based on the model of the police inquiry carried out by the criminal police bodies under the leadership of the Prosecutor and with the participation of the investigating judge. This model was developed by the Nizhny Novgorod school of processualists and set forth in the "Doctrinal model of the law of evidence in the Russian Federation and connected with the reform plan of the law enforcement system of Russia developed by experts of Committee of civil initiatives Alexei Kudrin. It corresponds to the European standards of the legal organization of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases. The author develops the basic concepts of the doctrine concerning pre-trial criminal prosecution, pre-trial criminal investigation, pre-trial and pre-trial evidence. According to the author, the basis of the legal organization of a pretrial investigation should be based on the idea of differentiation, pre-trial and trial evidence. Different in their legal implications have to admit the results of the unilateral activity of subjects of criminal prosecution and the outcome of bilateral legal evidence. The author analyzes the various options for possible reform of the preliminary investigation. He comes to the conclusion that when investigating the organization of pre-trial criminal justice inevitably will degrade and break away from solving the urgent task of countering the hidden, most dangerous criminal threats to economic and national security of Russia. In the current system of criminal procedure, the adoption of procedural decisions of the investigator determines the involvement of the court of the person criminally liable. The author explains the necessity of transition to the new legal organization of pre-trial proceedings by type of police investigations under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor. Pre-trial mandatory participation of the investigating judge. The Prosecutor and the judicial police shall carry out inquest in the form of overt and covert investigative actions to detect and solve the crime and identify the criminal. The prosecution should be the Prosecutor in court on the basis of actual materials obtained by the criminal police in the course of the inquiry. The author has developed the basic parameters should model the preliminary investigation. He outlined a system of consistent views on the proper order of detection and disclosure of crimes of criminal police. They represented the essence of the evidentiary activity of subjects of pretrial criminal proceedings. Plaintiffs submitted a model indictment. Collectively authoring make an important contribution to the theory of the organization of the prosecutorial and pre-trial legal procedure for its work. This creates the ideological and theoretical background for the structural reforms of the criminal proceedings.
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Reference list:
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a preliminary investigation, the criminal police, criminal prosecution, inquiry.

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