( Pp. 175-180)

More about authors
Nisimov Andrey Gennadievich kand. yurid. nauk, docent kafedry ugolovnogo processa i kriminalistiki
Irkutsk institute (branch) of the The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) Zarueva Ulyana Glebovna Dolzhnost: veduschiy specialist po pretenzionno-iskovoy rabote i sudebnoy zaschite.
PJSC National bank "Trust". Branch: Irkutsk branch
The subject of the article is about of the criminal liability of the bankruptcy administrator during his procedure in the case of bankruptcy. The authors establish the point of view that nowadays we should to presume that bankruptcy administrator is the state officer in criminal liability relations when he provide client interests for pay. Authors believe that nowadays very important to provide bankruptcy procedures clear and right, because there are interests of economy safety in Russia. But modern judge practice in Russia, and pay rules about bankruptcy administrators create conditions for numerous violations. On the other hand we have serious gap in criminal liability relations bankruptcy administrators that come true that violations possible. That’s why the authors step by step argue that in criminal law bankruptcy administrators job during his procedure in the case of bankruptcy must evaluate as a state officer job including criminal liability. The paper analyzes the opinions of scientists including foreign experience about the problem, provides examples from practice, presents the author's conclusions. The analysis and conclusions obtained as a result of writing the article may be of interest to theorists and practitioners of criminal proceedings.
How to Cite:
Nisimov A.G., Zarueva U.G., (2018), BANKRUPTCY ADMINISTRATOR AS THE STATE OFFICER IN CRIMINAL LIABILITY RELATIONS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 175-180.
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