Self-regulation and control in the entrepreneurship
( Pp. 201-204)

More about authors
Spektor Asiya Akhmetovna d-r yurid. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: professor; Podrazdelenie: kafedra predprinimatelskogo i korporativnogo prava.
Moscow state law university named after O.E.Kutafin (MSLA)
The article analyzes legislation on self-regulative organizations while realizing control functions over their members.
How to Cite:
Spektor A.A., (2014), SELF-REGULATION AND CONTROL IN THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 201-204.
Reference list:
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Sungatullina L.A. Uchastniki samoreguliruemykh organizatsiy: ponyatie, vidy, osobennosti pravovogo statusa. // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. - 2014. - №1.
Gerasimov A.A. Normativno-pravovye osnovy deyatel nosti samoreguliruemykh organizatsiy kak sub ektov grazhdanskogo prava. // Probely v rossiyskom Zakonodatel stve. - 2010. - №1.
Kabranov A.A. Sozdanie garantiynykh fondov samoreguliruemykh organizatsiy na sluchay realizatsii riska bankrotstva. // Biznes v zakone. - 2008. - №3.
control of self-regulating organizations, routine checks, unscheduled inspections, disciplinary action.

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