Enforcement of alimony and matters of its improvement
( Pp. 95-99)

More about authors
Vanukhin Oleg V. Dolzhnost: sudebnyy pristav-ispolnitel, yurist 2 klassa.
Khimki District Department of bailiffs, the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Moscow region, Khimki
At present, the procedure for enforcement of alimony, regulated by the current legislation, is not efficient enough, allowing a number of debtors are systematically evade alimony payments, court-appointed. The need to improve the efficiency of enforcement proceedings to remedy the current situation, defined the purpose of the present study - the study of general enforcement of maintenance for the minor children, identify its shortcomings and finding effective methods of recovery of maintenance. In his study, the author uses a systematic method, the transition from general concepts to the particular method of legal fiction. The provision put forward by the author, based on the legal provisions of the Family Code establishes the obligation of parents to maintain their minor children. If parents do not provide maintenance to their minor children, funds for the maintenance - alimony exacted from parents by judicial compulsion. Ways to improve the enforcement of child support selected development methodology enforcement of maintenance obligations. The study revealed an operation method that ensures the development of methodology. Feature operation manifested in encouraging certain categories of debtors to pay child support by means of temporary restrictions on the enjoyment of civil rights under the law. Presented article, being highly relevant, making a significant contribution to science, as characterized by significant scientific novelty expressed in the fact that it investigated and theoretically justified the widely used time-limit civil rights of debtors alimony. The authors suggest the solution of important practical problems can be very useful for staff to ensure fulfillment of the obligation to pay alimony. Guided by the new method proposed by the author, the system of enforcement of maintenance can make a qualitatively new level. Social Increased efficiency of said system can be a real security rights of minors to the content of the alimentary parents. A number of the proposed approaches and solutions can be used in the training program for professionals of enforcement proceedings.
How to Cite:
Vanukhin O.V., (2015), ENFORCEMENT OF ALIMONY AND MATTERS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 95-99.
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writ, child support arrears, enforcement actions and enforcement measures to the payment of alimony.

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