The participation of public law entities in the civil law relationships
( Pp. 97-99)

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Namaev Timur F. aspirant kafedry teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava
Kazan Federal University
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the participation of public law entities in the relationships which are regulated by the civil law. Objective: The problem of the possibility the participation of public law entities in the relationship, regulated by civil law often become a problem of the research of many scientists due to the fact that during the period of active development of entrepreneurship is increasingly discussed the possibility of a public legal education to be a member of civil relations that is, to enter into contracts, to perform any obligation or to transfer their property, etc. Material and methods: The methodological base of the research accounted the following methods of the theory and history of law and government, history of law and state: common scientific, private scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge of objective reality, including dialectical-materialistic, analysis and synthesis, comparative legal. Results: Public law entities can participate in most types of civil law relations, but, as befits a special category of subjects, with the corresponding features. Conclusion: The relevance of scientific work due to remoteness of scientists and researchers studying this problem and the unequivocal opinion on the issue studied.
How to Cite:
Namaev T.F., (2014), THE PARTICIPATION OF PUBLIC LAW ENTITIES IN THE CIVIL LAW RELATIONSHIPS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 97-99.
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public legal education, civil attitude.

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