The deficiencies in regulation of protection against unfair competition in advertising
( Pp. 149-153)

More about authors
Semenova Darya D. yurist
NTI Energy Limited Liability Company
Despite on the presence of a large number of publications devoted to the problems and gaps in the legal regulation of protection against unfair competition, many conflict issues remain unresolved. The aim of the work is the analysis of regulatory protection against unfair competition in advertising. The subject of research are gaps in the normative regulation of protection against unfair competition in advertising. In order to identify gaps in the legal regulation of protection against unfair competition in advertising seems necessary first to identify how the regulatory framework and statutory methods of such protection, as well as the "mark" the existing gaps in the legal regulation and offer them solutions. The scientific results can be used in the process of the federal law amendments drafting , in the collection of scientific and teaching materials on entrepreneurial law, in the process of providing lectures and seminars for students. The article may be interesting to companies specializing in advertising, in particular, for their directors and lawyers, teachers and law students who specialized at civil and entrepreneurial law.
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the gaps in the regulation, protection against unfair competition, advertising.

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