Administrative - Law Status of State Civil Agents
( Pp. 235-236)

More about authors
Larkina Anna Petrovna kand. yurid. nauk, docent, docent kafedry gosudarstvennogo i administrativnogo prava
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University Sveshnikova Larisa Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: starshiy prepodavatel.; Podrazdelenie: kafedra administrativnogo i finansovogo prava
Russian university of cooperation. Branch: Saransk cooperative institute
In the article the administrative - law status of state civil agents` main structural elements are examined. The author proves the advisability of working out and adoption of federal law, consolidating the general undertakings of civil agents` law status.
How to Cite:
Larkina A.P., Sveshnikova L.N., (2014), ADMINISTRATIVE - LAW STATUS OF STATE CIVIL AGENTS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 235-236.
Reference list:
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Sobranie zakonodatel stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii.2003. № 22.St.2063.
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civil service, civil servant, legal regulation of administrative legal status of civil servants.

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