Assessment of the criminalization of mediation in bribery from a position of influence on efficiency criminal law regulation of the institution of complicity
( Pp. 122-126)

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Subachev Aleksey K. aspirant
Far Eastern Federal University, Law School
This article is dedicated to the criminal legal analysis of the discussion features of the corpus delicti stipulated by the article 2911 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation, and an assessment of the adequacy of the criminal legal impediment to mediation in bribery by the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The methodology of research is analogy of analyzing criminal law rules. The article was written with applying of system-structural method and different forms of interpretation of criminal law rules. The normative basis of the research consists of criminal law rules of responsibility for mediation in bribery and criminal law rules of responsibility for bribery. The empirical base of the research includes the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation. The theoretical base of the research consists of doctrinal development of the mediation in bribery. The results of the study of the norms on liability for mediation in bribery made it possible to conclude that they should be excluded from the Criminal code of Russian Federation. The practical significance of the research is the possibility of using the results of the research while improving the Criminal code of Russian Federation.
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intermediation in bribery, significant size, receiving a bribe.

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