Criminological Characteristics of Criminality in Prison
( Pp. 146-150)

More about authors
Ustinov Andrey Anatolievich kand. yurid. nauk, docent kafedry ugolovnogo i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava
Perm Institute of Federal Penal Service of Russia Titanov Mikhail Yu. adyunkt akademii prava i upravleniya FSIN Rossii. Dolzhnost: starshiy prepodavatel kafedry rezhima i ohrany v ugolovno-ispolnitelnoy sisteme
Perm Institute of FPS Russia; Law and Management academy of FPS (Federal penal service) Russia
Aims. The article deals with studying criminological characteristics of penal crimes, analysis of statistical data on penal crimes in Sverdlovsk Region and in the Russian Federation in general. Besides, the aims of the study are to analyse various definitions of the concept of penal crime and the main types of penal crimes. Model. In their study the authors apply the general philosophical dialectical method, the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and specific scientific criminological methods of interviewing and statistical analysis. Conclusions. The authors argue that penal crime is a type of the most dangerous deviant activity in places of imprisonment. At present the level of penal crimes has a tendency to decrease. The most important characteristics of a penal crime are its repeat character, its dependency on discipline in a particular penal institution, its highly latent nature, and its being highly dangerous for public security. The most widespread penal crime is escape (Art. 313 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Such crimes as hooliganism, sexual abuse, illegal drug trafficking, etc. are the most widespread latent penal crimes. The highest level of penal crimes is observed in correctional settlements. This fact requires taking special measures. Possibilities of further development of the study. Factual data and conclusions drawn in this study might be used as a basis for further research of the problem of penal crimes including latent penal crimes. Practical application of the results. Conclusions drawn in this study can be used for further elaboration of the system of countermeasures against penal crimes. In particular, it may be useful for grounding some changes of criminal legislation, for elaboration of methodological recommendations on preventive measures against penal crimes. Social results.In case of implementation of the results of the study in legal practice and everyday activity of penal institutions the effectiveness of counteractions against penal crimes will increase. Original value. The article is an original research based on confidential interviewing of respondents aimed to reveal latent penal crimes as well as on statistical data on that problem. The research of the problem of penal crimes allowed the authors to draw substantive and new conclusions.
How to Cite:
Ustinov A.A., Titanov M.Y., (2016), CRIMINOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CRIMINALITY IN PRISON. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 146-150.
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deviant behavior, disruptive action, a social phenomenon, prison crime, criminal law, differentiation, penitentiary, correctional facility, colony-settlement.

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