The role of the head of the unit in prevention of admission of prohibited items into prisons
( Pp. 173-175)

More about authors
Drozdova Elena Anatolievna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and law enforcement»,UI RUT MIIT
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Moscow, Russian Federation Perminov Aleksandr Vasilievich kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Kirovskiy Institut povysheniya kvalifikacii rabotnikov FSIN Rossii. Podrazdelenie: kafedra organizacii ispolneniya ugolovnyh nakazaniy.
Kirov Institute of Advanced training of FPS staff
The article deals with some issues relating to the activities of the head of the unit of a correctional institution for prevention of admission of prohibited things to convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment. The author gives statistics of the FPS of Russia on the number of seized in correctional facilities prohibited for convicts itemsin 2001-2017. The article analyzes the current criminal and executive legislation; identifies problems influencing the effectiveness of the preventive work carried out by the heads of the units; runs promising ways of activity of the heads of the units to counteract admission of prohibited items to correctional institutions.
How to Cite:
Drozdova E.A., Perminov A.V., (2018), THE ROLE OF THE HEAD OF THE UNIT IN PREVENTION OF ADMISSION OF PROHIBITED ITEMS INTO PRISONS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 173-175.
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