Institute of inadmissible evidence in criminal proceedings
( Pp. 239-241)

More about authors
Surtsev Alexander Vladimirovich
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The author of the article, having considered inadmissible evidence in criminal proceedings, concluded that there is no unity among the authors regarding their understanding. Systematization of different points of view allowed the author to state that if evidence, which meets the requirements of the code of criminal procedure, are valid (enough), it is inadmissible evidence in a criminal trial should admit that evidence, which do not meet legislative requirements, i.e. obtained in violation of the code of criminal procedure. It is proposed to fix a specific list of criteria at the level of the law that allow recognizing evidence as inadmissible when forming, checking and evaluating it.
How to Cite:
Surtsev A.V., (2020), INSTITUTE OF INADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 239-241.
Reference list:
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admissibility, legality, inadmissible evidence, criminal process.

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