( Pp. 198-201)

More about authors
Zhukova Natalya A. kand. yurid. nauk, docent, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy sudebnoy ekspertizy i kriminalistiki
Belgorod National Research University Yaroshchuk Inna Alexandrovna and. filol. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: yuridicheskiy institut, kafedra sudebnoy ekspertizy i kriminalistiki.
Belgorod National Research University
The article analyzes the existing issues related to the appointment and production of linguistic expertise. These are practical issues related to the definition of the nature and subject of expert research, with the features of the objects of linguistic expertise, and, as a consequence, with the choice of an expert (narrow specialty), with the correct formulation (formulation) of questions to the expert. Attention is also focused on the lack of systematization of methods and techniques of linguistic expertise.
How to Cite:
Zhukova N.A., Yaroshchuk I.A., (2019), TOPICAL ISSUES OF LINGUISTIC EXPERTISE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 198-201.
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