( Pp. 154-157)

More about authors
Barchukov Vadim Karimovich soiskatel Vysshey shkoly gosudarstvennogo audita
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
The task of the study is to analyze the content of the direct object of fraud, carried out in the field of computer information at the present stage, to identify existing problems in this area and suggest ways to solve them. The scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the immediate object of the crime are investigated. The attention is focused on the need to distinguish between property relations and relations in the field of computer information. It is concluded that the protection of both types of these relations is not sufficiently ensured by art. 159.6 of the Criminal Code. The research model is to identify and legally characterize the relations that are being encroached upon for theft in the form of computer fraud. The research methodology is a comparative legal method. The findings of the study are to develop the author's vision of the content of the object of the crime under Art. 159.6 of the Criminal Code. The possibility of subsequent use of the results of scientific work may consist in expanding the field of scientific knowledge in this field. The practical significance of the findings and recommendations lies in their subsequent use in the delimitation of related offenses involving responsibility for fraud, involving an encroachment on relations in the field of computer security. The value of the study lies in the fact that in the framework of the presented article, for the first time, from a practical point of view, the main object of the crime, provided for by Art. 159.6 of the Criminal Code.
How to Cite:
Barchukov V.K., (2018), DIRECT OBJECT OF FRAUD IN THE SPHERE OF COMPUTER INFORMATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 154-157.
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