Countering crimes against family and minors, committed by violence
( Pp. 326-329)

More about authors
Shigalugova Mariana Khasanbievna Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Police Lieutenant Colonel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law Enforcement Organization North Caucasian Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The institution of the family is important for the development of any state, because family helps the development of a person's personality from an early age. The foundations of upbringing, worldview and behavior, laid down in the family, play a decisive role for its further socialization. The existence of serious interpersonal and other problems in families lead to significant difficulties in the worldview of children who are brought up in them. The result of negative examples of antisocial behavior of parents is quite often the illegal actions of children, both at a minor age and as an adult. Taking into account the importance of the institution of the family, Russian legislation pays special attention to the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable categories of the population, namely minors. The purpose of writing this work is to analyze the current mechanisms for combating crimes against the family and minors committed through violence. The author comes to the conclusion that the use of violence has a serious impact on the psyche of the victims and can lead to irreversible processes for minors and other victims. Attention is focused on the need for timely detection and suppression of criminal behavior associated with the use of violence in families, in order to effectively counter crimes of this type.
How to Cite:
Shigalugova M.K., (2020), COUNTERING CRIMES AGAINST FAMILY AND MINORS, COMMITTED BY VIOLENCE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 326-329.
Reference list:
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crimes against the family, minors, violence, criminal liability, Russian criminal law.

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