Problems of the Civil war in modern historical journals of the Urals and Siberia
( Pp. 62-66)

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Andrey V. Trofimov Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor; Professor of the Department of Creative Management and Humanities, Professor of the Department of Russian History and General History
Ural State University of Economics; Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokina
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Syktyvkar, Russian Federation
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The centenaries of the beginning of the First World War and the Russian Revolution of 1917 actualized historiographical reflections on the phenomenon of the Civil war. The article is devoted to identifying the main trends and issues of research on the history of the Civil war based on the analysis of articles published in the 2010s in the historical journals of the Urals and Siberia reviewed by the HAC. The research results published in them allow us to better understand how far historians have advanced in recent years in the direction of creating a “common historiographic space” of the Civil War. Based on the historiographic analysis, three groups of publications are distinguished: historiographic, theoretical and methodological, and concrete historical. The range of issues raised in them is quite extensive. One of the trends of world historiography, researchers call “fitting”; the period of the Civil War into the framework of a longer process of the military-revolutionary crisis of 1914-1922, which had a pan-European character and specific Russian features. The directions and results of studying the social mobility of Russian society in the first half of the XX century in historiography are considered. The civil war is comprehended in the Russian civilizational continuum, its connection with the country's modernization process. Various aspects of the social, political, military, and everyday history of the Civil war in the regional dimension are widely presented in the publications. The content of historical journals of the Urals and Siberia in the last decade is characterized by conceptual and methodological pluralism, diversity, mosaic and fragmentary research topics, and “narrow specialization”; of their authors. At the same time, there is a deepening of scientific ideas, the introduction of new sources into scientific circulation, and the sharpness of the authors ' worldview preferences is reduced, which indicates that there are potential opportunities for further expansion of the “General historiographic space” of the Civil war.
How to Cite:
Andrey V.T., (2020), PROBLEMS OF THE CIVIL WAR IN MODERN HISTORICAL JOURNALS OF THE URALS AND SIBERIA. History and Modern Perspectives, 1 => 62-66.
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Civil war, historiography, Ural, Siberia, historical journals.

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