History of Ural industrial architecture: evolution of scientific research
( Pp. 67-75)

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Shipitsyna Olga A. kandidat arhitektury; docent; professor kafedry teorii arhitektury i professionalnyh kommunikaciy
Ural State University of Architecture and Arts
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The article proves the necessity to describe the process of forming the scientific knowledge about the history of industrial architecture in the Urals with purpose of determining the promising possibilities of research in this area of historical-architectural science as well as identifying the lesser-known landmarks of industrial heritage and formulating a new outlook on the Ural region as a coherent industrial cultural landscape. A few main stages of studies in industrial architecture of the Ural region were determined while generalizing the data from a number of published historical and historical-architectural works. The article demonstrates the importance of the information discovered in historical publications upon the subject of the Ural metallurgical industry for the scientific examination of the history of the Ural industrial architecture. Time of the first scientific publications upon the architecture of historical industrial objects of the Urals amongst other industrial complexes of Russia was determined. A particular emphasis was made upon the works about industrial architecture of the Urals from 1950s to this day. Two prominent trends were determined for further investigations of the Ural industrial architecture, both of which support each other representing the entire possible spectrum for historical-theoretical research. The first trend comprises fundamental approaches towards research and generalization of the historical material on the Ural industrial architecture while the second one develops practical methods for research, documentation, evaluation and popularization of landmarks of industrial heritage in the Ural region. As a result, the predominant development tendency for scientific studies of the history of Ural industrial architecture has been determined: from empirical-evolutionary description of old Ural factories’ and settlements’ architecture to systemic historical-theoretical conception of the peculiarities pertaining to the regional architectural process with the subsequent transition towards the main methods to preserve the industrial heritage.
How to Cite:
Shipitsyna O.A., (2020), HISTORY OF URAL INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE: EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. History and Modern Perspectives, 1 => 67-75.
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industrial architecture, industrial facility, historical-architectural research, historiography, industrial heritage, the Urals.

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