( Pp. 14-18)

More about authors
Taschilin Lev Nikolaevich kand. tehn. nauk, docent; professor
Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky. St.-Petersburg
The article examines the processes of friction in translational kinematic pairs from the standpoint of applied mechanics. Here we consider the theoretical aspects of the assessment of wear, concerning such issues as: friction during sliding of the slide on a horizontal plane, factors affecting the magnitude of the friction coefficient, the influence of the shape and arrangement of the elements of the kinematic pair on the friction intensity. Practical research allowed us to obtain analytical dependencies to determine the speed, acceleration and response of the displacement value of the piston pump’s slide, which are necessary for choosing the modes of testing materials for wear.
How to Cite:
Taschilin L.N., (2019), FRICTION IN TRANSLATIONAL KINEMATIC PAIRS. Computational Nanotechnology, 1 => 14-18.
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