( Pp. 184-187)

More about authors
Ereshko Felix Ivanovich zaveduyuschiy otdelom, doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor.
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the FRC of the Russian Academy of the Sciences Medennikov Viktor I. d-r teh. nauk
All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics them A. A. Nikonov Salnikov Sergey G. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk
All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics them A. A. Nikonov
The transition to a digital economy and innovative development requires the integration of information resources (IR). A sound approach to the development and integration of IR - one of the key problems of creation of uniform information space of the country. In the General case of IR are formed as a result of the activities of public authorities, business, scientific, educational and public organizations. Because currently, all components of information resources has moved to the Internet space, the actual problem is the design of the architecture of the unified information the online space (EIIP RF).
How to Cite:
Ereshko F.I., Medennikov V.I., Salnikov S.G., (2016), DESIGN A UNIFIED ONLINE INFORMATION SPACE OF THE COUNTRY. Business in Law, 6 => 184-187.
Reference list:
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Ereshko F.I, Medennikov V.I., Sal nikov S.G. Prinyatie resheniy v APK na baze internet-tekhnologiy. Materialy IX Vserossiyskaya nauchnaya konferentsii Matematicheskoe modelirovanie razvivayushcheysya ekonomiki, ekologii i tekhnologiy , EKOMOD-2016, g. Kirov.
Ereshko F.I, Medennikov V.I., Sal nikov S.G. Internet-tekhnologii v ekonomike znaniy. Materialy devyatoy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii Upravlenie razvitiem krupnomasshtabnykh sistem MLSD 2016, g. Moskva.
integration of information resources, Internet information space, model sites.

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