( Pp. 165-167)

More about authors
Glebanova Aleksandra U. docent, kand. ekon. nauk, docent
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Glebanova Irina I. magistr
Institute of Space Technologies of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Asoskova Ulia V. student
Institute of Space Technologies of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
The objective of the article: to investigate the condition and prospects of the world market of nano-satellites, as well as the long term expansion of market niche Russian companies. Model: The authors assess the state of competition, market dynamics of nano-satellites based on the model of monopolistic competition. The article gives a description of the goods as a nano-satellite, based on the model of the product life cycle. The conclusions of the article: The authors conclude that nanosatellites are disruptive innovation in the global market space vehicles, resulting in the need to expand a niche market of Russian companies. Research Framework: article may be useful for researchers and practitioners the space industry by forecasting the development of industrial markets and the development of innovative development programs.
How to Cite:
Glebanova A.U., Glebanova I.I., Asoskova U.V., (2016), THE WORLD MARKET OF NANO-SATELLITES: THE PROSPECTS FOR RUSSIAN SPACE COMPANIE. Business in Law, 6 => 165-167.
Reference list:
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nanosatellite, the market of nano-satellites, nanosatellite as a commodity, classification of spacecraft, competition on the world market of nano-satellites, manufacturers of nanosatellites.

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