The features of realization civil remedies in the regulatory legal relationships
( Pp. 48-54)

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Kravchenko Alexander Alexandrovich aspirant. Podrazdelenie: yuridicheskiy fakultet, kafedra predprinimatelskogo prava.
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Background: The author tries to reveal the features of realization civil remedy in the regulatory legal relationship and based on this to offer advice on the interpretation and improvement of the legal rules that to secure the civil remedies used in the absence of an offense Methods: The author applies the theory of separation protective and regulatory legal relationships and rules for analysis civil remedies. In the article author research the specific legal rules of Civil Code of the Russian Federation that to secure the civil remedies used in the absence of an offense Conclusions: Civil remedies can be applied in protective and regulatory legal relationships. In this case, the essence of civil remedy remains the same. Author reveals form of c depending on the type of relationship in which it is applied. Civil remedy in regulatory legal relationships is realized in the absence of offense on the basis of the regulatory legal rule. Suggestions: If the civil legal rule does not bind directly the application civil remedy to the absence of offense, means the civil remedy is realized in regulatory form. To avoid ambiguity mating rules author propose to use the phrase "the court" to secure the civil remedies used in the absence of an offense
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Reference list:
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method of protection of civil rights, form of implementation of the method of protection, the basic rule of law, a regulatory relationship, no offense.

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