Liberation from stereotype of Politics as a field of men domination
( Pp. 247-250)

More about authors
Kokhanskaya Ekaterina assistent kafedry «Ekonomika» ZabIZhT
Transbaikal Institute of the Railway Transport
The present paper attempts to examine the field of politics from the perspective of gender approach. Politics from the point of view of feminist-oriented authors, is not gender-neutral, on the contrary, it is rather the result of social construction, reflecting some gender stereotypes deeply rooted in the mass consciousness. One of these stereotypes is the notion of politics as a field of male dominance and the image of the politician as a man who has the initial advantage to the woman, forced to challenge their right to political leadership. Despite the fact that in modern societies the traditional representations of femininity and masculinity are undergoing major changes, the politicians have to conform to the gender stereotypes that are sanctioned by the mass consciousness. The author comes to the conclusion that some mechanisms of gender liberation are in contemporary politics. It remains debatable question of the relevance of public demand for such liberation.
How to Cite:
Kokhanskaya E.., (2014), LIBERATION FROM STEREOTYPE OF POLITICS AS A FIELD OF MEN DOMINATION. Business in Law, 3 => 247-250.
Reference list:
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gender stereotypes, women's participation in politics, the political field, masculinity and femininity.

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