National innovative systems: international practice
( Pp. 164-168)

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Gavlovskaya Galina V. k.e.n., docent kafedry makroekonomicheskogo regulirovaniya i planirovaniya
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Today an efficient national innovative system (NIS) is a pledge of successful social and economic development of any state. Only by means of realization of efficient state innovative development policy and close interaction of the NIS elements, the state can make a great step towards the growth of competiveness in the world economy. Features of historical development and modern conditions influence the formation of innovative policy in the country. In this article the author considers two main approaches to its development and analyzes the most successful in innovative development countries.
How to Cite:
Gavlovskaya G.V., (2013), NATIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS: INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE. Business in Law, 3 => 164-168.
Reference list:
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